• info@byac.dev
  • Balochistan, Pakistan

BYAC Winter Drive 2023

In partnership with Shapers Karachi (@ShapersKHI) and Pechi Official (@officialpechi), we've set out to make a tangible difference in the lives of those who are facing the brunt of the winter without the basic necessities that many of us take for granted. Seeing firsthand the stark reality faced by families and individuals in areas like Quetta and the northern regions, where temperatures drop far below zero, has been eye-opening. Our focus isn't just about distributing clothes; it's about bringing warmth, hope, and a message that they are not forgotten. Our champions on the ground, @S_ismail777, @Khalidismaill, and Ilyas, have been instrumental in our operations. Their dedication and the smiles they bring to faces amidst the cold are the true measures of our drive's success. The arrival of our trucks filled with jackets and warm clothing in Quetta marks just the beginning of our efforts this winter. Our collaboration with @officialpechi is a significant milestone, enabling us to extend our reach and impact. This drive is more than a campaign; it's a testament to the spirit of community and humanity. Despite the challenges, our team remains dedicated to the cause, driven by the belief that together, we can make a difference in the lives of those who need it most. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue our mission to bring warmth to the heart of Balochistan. Our journey is a testament to what we can achieve when we come together in the spirit of giving and support.